About CBD Dragon Products

On this page you can read more basic information related to our products and the production of our products.

Are CBD products legal ?

In the countries of European Union are currently all types of products containing cannabidiol (CBD) legal to buy, sell, possess and use. However it should be noted that this applies only to products which do not contain THC. In many countries you can already buy CBD products in pharmacies and not only in grow shops as it was in the past.


Bio / Organic production

The basic compound of our products, the hemp, is grown in bio-organic soil. During the hemp processing to the oil and also during finalising our products we keep highest precautions to avoid any contamination. And of course our CBD products and hemp oils do not contain any additives or chemicals. Therefor all our products are bio/organic.


Cannabis Sativa

The name apendix Sativa means cultivated and as the name points, the plant was over decades cultivated for various purposes like a source of fiber, seeds, oil, food and many others. For purpose of production of CBD we use variety cultivated for high concentrations of cannabidiol, which is not psychoactive.

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